Anyone who watched the great show, Newsroom knows the first episode show defining soliloquy made by the principal character, Will McAvoy, written by the incomparable, Andrew Sorkin. Who writes better speeches and character dialogue than Andrew Sorkin? Just think of West Wing. The language that is Elevating, transcendent. incisive, acerbic, precise

What it provides us is what you remember when a teacher in elementary, middle school or highschool recognized a here before hidden talent for comedic timing, prose, mathematical skill, photographic memory or a special insight. It provides us a sense of wonderment, transcendent joy, excitement. Some have laudable gifts with their hands. This one chooses to express his gift in spoken word. A remarkable mind is something to celebrate.

Think of US presidential leaders like John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, FDR, Truman, Kennedy. Great minds, Great leaders who led the Entire Country, not just those who voted or supported them.

What often is confused with elitism is actually something all of us strive for: to be better than assumed, to strive for a level of extraordinary kindness or insight, emotional intelligence, to strike with language rather than the fist. To be appreciated and stand in the light of god for just a moment.



Based on “Why America isn’t the best country in the world”


I know that this clip has been around for some time. This seems as relevant now as ever. Pay close attention to the message. Will McAvoy (Jeff Daniels) hits the nail on the head in the opening minutes of HBO’s series ‘The Newsroom’. He is asked by a college student a simple question during a campus debate. ‘What makes America the greatest country in the world?’. Daniels initially goes the politically correct route. Then goes with an honest, bold, straightforward answer that sums up a lot of the world’s problems that so many are afraid to accept because we all want to believe in our system and that it is our system that works. We used to be the world’s best of the best and now we are just pretending. The first step to solving a problem is to admit there is one. I am glad there is a change coming in January 2017. UPDATE 07/04/2020 – I still really enjoy the message of this video.