

A hundred scholars and a thousand yogis can say all they want to say about the nature of mind. But all can be summed up by this teaching of Jigme Lingpa. The mind should never be separated from loving kindness and compassion. Loving kindness and compassion should never be separated from emptiness. And mindful awareness should never be separated from emptiness. These are the key teachings.

My Left Footed Buddhist Journey

My Left Footed Buddhist Journey

Before I began my Buddhist practice, it was as if my left foot was stretched out behind me, rooted in the past while my right foot was outstretched in front of me, standing in the future, thereby preventing

Behind our Anxiety, the Fear of Being Unneeded-Dalai Lama

Behind our Anxiety, the Fear of Being Unneeded-Dalai Lama

In many ways, there has never been a better time to be alive. Violence plagues some corners of the world, and too many still live under the grip of tyrannical regimes. And although all the world’s major faiths teach love, compassion and tolerance, unthinkable violence is being perpetrated in the name of religion.